Should I start introducing the Levels of Development from A or D?

First Question:

When introducing the Levels of Development, I assume that I should focus on one level at a time. Do I start with Level A or Level D?


To me, it makes sense to begin with Level A and end with D; I want to end on a positive and inspiring note!

Second Question:

Would it be best to introduce one new level each week, or one new level each  day, while revisiting the previous levels?


There are many ways to introduce the Levels of Development. The number of lessons used for introducing the four levels would depend on your own preference and might vary with the age of your students. High school teachers typically introduce all the levels in one session, while primary teachers often find that younger children learn best when introduced to the levels on four separate days.

Personally, I wouldn’t choose to wait a week before introducing each new level. Since both Level A and B are unacceptable, I wouldn’t want to spend two weeks focusing on inappropriate behavior!

In my own teaching, I spend a minimum of time discussing the lower two levels and then move to introducing the higher two levels, C and D, in more detail on subsequent days. In particular, I focus my teaching energy on introducing the students to Level D motivation and highlighting the difference between Levels C and D.

Discipline without Stress is unique. The Hierarchy offers students of any age a chance to learn the difference between EXternal and INternal motivation. I find that when students understand that BOTH levels are acceptable but one is a voluntary higher level choice, they are motivated to act more often from Level D.
