Posts Tagged Guided Choices

Guided Choices in the Classroom

In the Discipline Without Stress methodology, Guided Choices are used when a student has already acknowledged level B behavior and disrupts the lesson again.

The most effective approach is to ELICIT a consequence or procedure to help the student help himself to avoid future unacceptable behavior. This should be done in private by stating, “What you have done is not on an acceptable level.”

Then ask, “What do you suggest we do about it?” Be ready to ask, “What else?” “What else?” “What else?” until what the student says is acceptable and will assist the student in not repeating the behavior.

The advantages of ELICITING the consequence are multiple:
1. An adversarial relationship is avoided.
2. The student has ownership … >>>


Discipline Without Stress Newsletter – August 2015

  Volume 15 Number 8


  1. Welcome
  2. Promoting Responsibility
  3. Increasing Effectiveness
  4. Improving Relationships
  5. Promoting Learning
  6. Parenting
  7. Discipline without Stress (DWS)
  8. Reviews and Testimonials 



A federal mandate has been issued to reduce “minority” office referrals and suspensions. Because of this directive, many schools are having more difficulty than usual. Teachers and administrators have not learned how to use authority without some form of coercion. DISCIPLINE WITHOUT STRESS is the only system that uses authority WITHOUT coercion.

Having taught, been a counselor, and principal at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, I believe that teachers have the greatest behavior challenges at the middle school level. Therefore, since my passion is to improve education, I will start calling

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Using Guided Choices as Discipline

Some people see the light only when they feel the heat. Two seventh grade students, Jason and Robert, illustrate this point. They already had three referrals sent home and were the type of students who would “push” as far as they can—the kind who prompts a teacher to wake up in the morning with a first thought of, “I hope Jason and Robert are absent today.”

Their teacher had gone as far as he could to help the boys become more socially responsible. The students understood “After three strikes, you are out.” This was still the first quarter and the teacher had expected to send the boys to the office, as all their other teachers had done. To his surprise, … >>>