Posts Tagged implementing the Raise Responsibiliity Syustem

Implement Discipline Without Stress Today

One of the points I continued to emphasize in my presentations is that the Discipline Without Stress methodology CAN BE IMPLEMENTED IMMEDIATELY. The only requirement is to teach the four vocabulary concepts and then have students create examples of them in their own classroom and/or for various activities. Anyone can teach the four concepts at anytime—even during the last few weeks of the school year.

I received the following e-mail that shows this concept in action.

“I suspended a defiant student earlier in the week and was dreading having him return to my classroom on Friday. After hearing your inspiring talk, I was able to put my arm around him and walk with him while I asked him what we … >>>


Implementing Discipline Without Stress

I received the following communication:

Dear, Dr. Marshall,

I am a Special Education teacher at a high school with the Pittsburgh Public School District. I’m currently enrolled in Gannon University of Erie, Pennsylvania in a graduate program of curriculum & instruction.

During the course of “Discipline and Classroom Management,” I viewed a small portion of your video. In addition, I’ve read a little of your literature regarding “The Raise Responsibility System” and I think it is fantastic.

I intend to study your approach to fostering intrinsic motivation and responsibility for my students. Do you provide an individual package for teachers as opposed to your package for an entire school’s staff, or can you direct me as to what are the … >>>