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At our school, we are usually
Generous and kind,
But sometimes–on occasion,
We leave others behind.
There are ways to be careful
And ways to be cruel;
So let’s find out together
How to act in school.

Four letters of the alphabet
Can help us living with civility,
Because we learn how to act
With greater responsibility.
To learn about kindness
And order, you will see,
It’s better to be on levels
C and D, rather than
A or B.
Level A stand for a way
We should NOT act at school,
For it stand for anarchy
Where no one follows the rules.
It’s so hard to learn
When it’s chaos that we choose.
Because with anarchy nobody wins;
We all lose.

Level B stand for choosing
To bully or boss,
Demanding and making
So many others feel cross.
But the worst part of bullying,
The worst part of all,
Is that this type of behavior
Makes others feel small.
Level C is where we
For it gives us the opportunity,
To really enjoy school
By making it a learning community.
We know what the procedures are,
And order prevails;
For being on this level,
Evens the scales.

Now D starts a word
That’s the best way to be;
That word is a concept
called Democracy.
Students follow the teacher
Because it is right;
They take on responsible tasks
Even when others are out of sight.
Let’s make our school
One of the best, my friends;
Because we make choices that lead
To responsible ends.
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