
Module 0 - Discipline Without Stress Trailer

Module 1 - Categories

Module 2 - Introduction

Module 3 - Dr. Marvin Marshall’s Background

Module 4 - The Discipline Without Stress Model

Module 5 - Attention Management Procedure

Module 6 - Teaching Procedures Using Visioning

Module 7 - Using Collateral

Module 8 - Dead Time Is Deadly

Module 10 - Not Relying On Rules

Module 9 - Asking For Volunteers

Module 11 - Positivity Choice And Reflection

Module 12 - Positive Imaging

Module 13 - Teaching is Marketing

Module 14 - Positivity Starts With the Teacher

Module 15 - A Short Recap

Module 16 - The Power of Choice

Module 17 - Choice Response Thinking

Module 18 - Changing One Word

Module 19 - Giving 3 to 5 Choices

Module 20 - Reflection, Perfectionism, and Tone

Module 21 - Changing Mindsets through Choice

Module 22 - Managing Impulses

Module 23 - Telling vs. Sharing

Module 24 - Counterwill

Module 25 - Solving Circles

Module 26 - A Lesson from a Monkey

Module 27 - Reflection and Learning

Module 28 - Impulsive Kids

Module 29 - Competition vs. Collaboration

Module 30 - Collaboration for More Participation

Module 31 - The Raise Responsibility System

Module 32 - A Horse Analogy and Trust

Module 33 - Understanding Behaviorism

Module 34 - Understanding the Hierarchy of Social Development

Module 35 - Understanding Levels A and B

Module 36 - Handling Bullying

Module 37 - Understanding External Motivation

Module 38 - The Effectiveness of Internal Motivation

Module 39 - Difference between Levels C and D

Module 40 - Using the Levels to Improve Learning

Module 41 - Checking for Understanding

Module 42 - A Letter from an Elementary School Teacher

Module 43 - A Letter from a Middle School Teacher

Module 44 - Learn a Critical Question

Module 45 - Eliciting Consequences

Module 46 - The Essay Forms and Self-Diagnostic Referrals

Module 47 - Working with Defiant and Impulsive Youth

Module 48 - An Administrator’s View

Module 49 - Commitment, PBIS, & Classroom Meetings