Live Without Stress

Imagine if you could live your life without stress. Think it’s not possible? Think again. This astonishing approach to living without stress empowers you to handle all your stress challenges.

Here are 5 tips from the book LIVE WITHOUT STRESS:
• Pivoting
The brain-body connection is such that feelings immediately follow all of our five (5) senses and our thoughts. You cannot stop emotions, but by changing your thinking you can redirect your emotion and improve your stress management skills. You can learn how to do this.

• Positivity
Think negatively and increase your stress. Think positive thoughts and good feelings like hope and empowerment follow. You can learn how to live you life with positivity and improve your stress management skills.

• Choice
Choice ends when life ends. Be aware of you choices and you never need to feel as if you are a victim. You can learn how to make stress-reducing choices.

• Reflection
You can control other people, but you cannot change them. People change themselves. The key to this is to have others WANT to do what you want them to do because THEY WANT TO. The  skill of asking reflective questions to yourself and to influence others can be learned by anyone and is one of the most effective skills for stress management.

• Assumptions
All assumptions are guesswork. People are incapable of articulating their motivation—or in many cases do not want to. You can significantly reduce your stress by reducing your assumptions.

Look inside LIVE WITHOUT STRESS to use simple strategies to significantly reduce your stress, promote responsibility, increase your effectiveness, improve your relationships, and truly enjoy life’s experiences. Whether your stress stems from work, parenting, teaching, relationships, or a situation you cannot change, the keys are here for you to improve your stress management. Are you ready? A new, happier, more enjoyable, and less stressful life awaits you.

 Available NOW!


Dr. Marshall’s new book, ‘Live Without Stress’ is a refreshing voice of reason and a beacon of research for the stressful stormy seas of life. His practical tips, based on science and real life examples, offer suggestions to let you know that you are the captain of your ship.

Stephen Sroka Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Medicine Case Western Reserve University September 12, 2017

Marvin Marshall has done it again! He’s written another compelling, yet highly practical book on controlling stress in our lives. ‘Live Without Stress: How to Enjoy the Journey’ has so much to offer. For example, Marshall’s stress reducing concept on how assumptions can significantly impact our stress level is particularly eye opening. In addition, he provides wonderful insights about how our thinking has a direct impact on our feelings and our health. If you are seeking a more joy-filled and stress-free life, absolutely add this valuable resource to your library!

Dick Bruso Founder of Heard Above The Noise and Branding Expert August 7, 2017

Dr. Marshall has done it again with this uplifting book that provides practical, proven strategies to reduce stress. Like his other two books, I refer to his recommendations often. He has included examples to assist with the reader’s understanding. I recommend this book for every adult.

Irene Thomas Riverton, Utah September 7, 2017

The information in this book is practical, effective, and positive. Being positive is essential in growing responsible, successful, caring children into adults. I use Dr. Marshall’s material in my work with families of young children, and his presentation of key points in supporting children and managing the stress of parenting makes the principles possible to implement simply and consistently.

Cherie Fila Kingsford, Michigan October 1, 2017

Marvin Marshall’s book about living without stress will give you an interesting perspective on how to reduce your stress in all aspects of your life. It’s an easy-to-read, well-balanced, and witty book that I would recommend to anyone feeling overwhelmed.

Laura Stack Author of Doing the Right Things Right and Self-Development Programs September 13, 2017

If you’re stressed out, raise your hand. If your hand just went up, even though you’re standing in a bookstore or reading this on your computer, then this book is for you! Live Without Stress by Dr. Marvin Marshall addresses so many places where we find stress in our lives—and gives practical, yet brilliant approaches to dealing with it.

David Glickman Keynote Laughter Crafter August 15, 2017

Dr. Marshall addresses the most important element of a stress-free life— taking responsibility for how you approach life. This starts with your attitude and thinking, as he aptly points out. If you find yourself having more stress than you’d like, then read this book immediately!

Rebecca Morgan Author of Calming Upset Customers July 10, 2017

Again Marv has conveyed what can be a complex topic with ease, grace and practicality. His knowledge, ideas and experience make for a great read for all that wish to live without stress.

Karen Boyes Editor – Spectrum Education and Habits of the Mind October 2, 2017

If you want to improve your relationships at home, at work, or with friends, read Dr. Marshall’s newest book to gain skills that empower and enrich your ability to reduce your stress. I have implemented changes in our programs to utilize Dr. Marshall’s wisdom and have seen immediate positive results.

Liz Witehira Hamilton, New Zealand September 7, 2017

In this timely and important work, Dr. Marvin Marshall takes his readers on a journey filled with great and usable content. This book displays an uncanny way of taking well-researched theory and showing his readers incredibly practical applications. The stories and key points simply add more credence to his premise of an enjoyable journey and discarding the stress along the way.

Edward Scannell Co-Author of Games Trainers Play and international expert on Human Resource Management October 3, 2017

Dr. Marshall has created a readable, thought provoking book full of great analogies and stories that make his ideas and insights on ‘Live Without Stress’ actionable. The Key Points at the end of each chapter solidify the ideas and keep awareness high so we can easily implement his suggestions.

Elizabeth Jeffries Author of The Heart of Leadership: How to Inspire, Encourage and Motivate People to Follow You September 13, 2017

In contrast to the multitude of mixed messages in today’s world, Live Without Stress stands out as precise, unerring, and sure. It is a relief to read a book this direct and practical.

Karen Gmur Los Angeles, California August 7, 2017

This newest book by Dr. Marshall is a must read. It will help you reduce stress in your life. I recommend it highly to all who have some or a lot of stress in their life and business.

George Hedley Author of Get Your Business to Work July 7, 2017

Live Without Stress is counter-intuitive in that Marvin Marshall teaches that stress really comes from actions and thoughts. What one believes, assumes or expects impacts tremendously how effectively we behave in the situation. One of my favorite chapters was ‘Competition and Collaboration’ because of the explanation of the benefits and drawbacks of each approach. You will enjoy the examples and stories of success, which make this book quite enjoyable.

Bob Hoglund Co-author of The School for Quality Learning (implementing ideas of William Glasser and W. Edwards Deming) August 10, 2017

Marvin Marshall is like a fine wine; he keeps getting better with age. His newest book, Live Without Stress, has helped me transition into retirement. It is a must read for people of all ages, full of practical examples and useful tips to get the most out of life. This is a book you will want to keep on your shelf to read and reread through every stage of your life.

Claudia Heinrich Farmington Hills, Michigan September 7, 2017

If you’ve been meaning to reduce your stress—and thereby enhance your health—this is a wonderful book that you will not only enjoy, but also be thankful that you read it. I’m thankful that I read this and can apply its recommendations. You will be glad you read this book.

Terry Brock Technology Expert and Author of Klout Matters August 19, 2017

Dr. Marshall’s newest book ‘Live Without Stress’ is a no-nonsense, easy-to-read book aimed at the lay person for what is often a difficult subject; however, more advanced readers would also find the book useful. It’s real life explanations and examples have a strong link to emotional intelligence.

Alan Cooper Wanganui, New Zealand August 7, 2017

I have read a lot of books and articles on stress and usually come away from them thinking, ‘Yep, I’ve got it!’ Dr. Marvin Marshall’s wonderful book is so powerful because it offers practical strategies for combating stress and…more importantly…for using self-empowerment to create positive outcomes. Buy several copies and share this wise message with your friends and family.

Lou Heckler Speaker Hall of Fame Helping Organizations and Individuals Achieve Higher Productivity July 13, 2017

Stress is necessary in life, but if managed poorly stress makes life miserable. Dr. Marvin Marshall shows you how to reduce the negative impact of stress in your life and career.

Jim Cathcart Author of The Self-Motivation Handbook, The Acorn Principle, and Relationship Selling July 21, 2017

Marvin Marshall’s books have revolutionized teaching and parenting. This one will do it for YOUR LIFE.

Neil Rothman Palm Beach, Florida October 7, 2017

Dr. Marshall’s books have been life changing for me as a teacher, wife, and mom. In this book, he gives practical ways to reduce stress in all areas of your life. From your personal life to your professional life, you will benefit from this book. A must-read for all!

Bradi Holder Brigham City, Utah August 18, 2017

If you need both instruction and inspiration about how to decrease the stress and increase the joy of life, you will definitely like this book.

Mark Sanborn Author of The Fred Factor and Insights on Business and Life July 19, 2017

A great read from beginning to end, Dr. Marshall teaches how to reduce stress using research-based techniques to be emotionally, mentally, and physically healthier. What a wonderful resource! I know I will refer to it over and over again!

Janet Gibney Bridgewater, New Jersey August 7, 2017

This book is a probing examination of how to assess and dispense with the stresses of life.

In this comparatively short, accessible volume, Marshall takes aim at an omnipresent element of modern existence: stress. Innumerable studies have linked stress to a wide array of health problems, from heart disease to ulcers to depression, and Marshall offers advice based on the idea that stress is largely a person’s own creation.

“Creating good habits takes time, patience and resolve, and you will inevitably encounter setbacks along the way,” Marshall writes. “But the key is to never give up—and in a few short months, you may find yourself on the road to the way of life you truly desire.”

As the book unfolds its road map, it emphasizes three areas. The first are unrealistic or unhelpful assumptions that readers make, which can escalate stress levels. The second are physical aspects that are often key to managing stress—poor posture, poor eating and sleeping habits, lack of exercise, and so on. The third is the motivation of oneself and others.

Again and again, the author reiterates that people need not grant circumstances the power to dictate responses—a very useful reminder. As in his other books, Marshall presents his precepts in clear, ringing prose that’s intent on encouraging rather than scolding.

Some of these precepts—such as that one should never give up or that one is the captain of one’s own ship—are on the platitudinous side, but they’re no less valuable for that. Throughout his discussions, Marshall focuses on personal responsibility—the choices that one makes to control one’s personal finances, one’s exercise routines, and the way that one frames how one interacts with the world: “There is a problem when we think our responses are automatically controlled by external stimuli.”

Live WITHOUT STRESS contains a wide-ranging and convincingly sympathetic approach to understanding and dealing with all kinds of stress.

KIRKUS REVIEWS November 21, 2017

To Live Without Stress is my goal. Dr. Marshall’s new book now brings that goal closer to reality for me—and for you! ‘Live Without Stress’ is practical, applicable and easy to implement. I’m already utilizing the stress relieving, “5-Minute Procedure” (Chapter 7, Procedures). And it works! This book is destined to help many others as well.

Phillip Van Hooser Author of Leaders Ought To Know September 23, 2017

To reduce stress, it’s essential to study the assumptions you make, how your thoughts affect your emotions, and how you are motivated. This book is a fascinating look at the brain-body stress connection and how to live a stress-free life.

Randy Gage Author: Risky Is the New Safe and Mad Genius September 14, 2017

Marshall’s advice on living without stress is relevant and actionable for anyone. He doesn’t mince words or soft peddle easy 1-2-3 ideas that never work in the long run. I highly recommend this book!

Eric Chester Author of Reviving Work Ethic, On Fire at Work, and Employing Generation Why? August 17, 2017
