Posts Tagged Jane Nelson

Positive Discipline vs. Discipline Without Stress

Dear Marv:

Briefly, what would be the key similarities and differences between your Discipline without Stress  and the Positive Discipline method promoted by Jane Nelson?

Thank you, Joanie,


Hi Joanie,

Although Jane and I have similar goals in that we both want to promote responsibility and reduce discipline problems, our approaches are significantly different.

Here are a few:

DWS does NOT award young people for being responsible. DWS expects responsible behavior.

DWS is totally noncoercive—although not permissive.

DWS does not use external approaches. DWS differentiates between offering bribes before doing something and acknowledgments AFTER doing it.

DWS has no interest in one’s past history or environment; it is only interested in present behavior.

DWS emphasizes the importance of teaching … >>>