It seems amazing that 2021 is drawing to a close. And what a year it has been, filled with both triumphs and challenges, happiness and sadness, joy and frustration, positives and negatives. It’s up to each of us to decide which parts of the year we want to hold on to and revisit, and which parts we want to release and forget. Are you learning from the past year? Or are you running from it?
As I reflect on the year, I like to assess what I have learned this year to keep pace with our ever-changing times. As creatures of habit, we often find new ways or change difficult simply because they are different. But I have tried to use the past as a guidepost, rather than as a hitching post. I always strive to embrace the future rather than fear it. As difficult as it is sometimes, I actually welcome change because it means I (and us as a society) am growing, learning, and evolving into a better version of myself.
I think the greatest compliment one can give an individual in our changing world is that he or she is a student of something and constantly seeks to learn and grow. I view learning as a responsibility I have for myself. It’s my wish that my lifetime of work has helped others embrace learning and responsibility as well.
Perhaps the statement of the dear old gentleman in his 80s best captures my thinking. He said, “Whatever the confusions of yesterday, the uncertainties of tomorrow, or the frustrations of today, this I know to be true: When I cease to grow, I’ll begin to die. And so while I can run, I’ll run; while I can walk, I’ll walk; and when I can only crawl, I’ll crawl. But I’ll always be moving forward.”
Let’s all keep moving forward into the New Year and beyond. Warms wishes to everyone for a joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year.
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