Posts Tagged natural consequences

Motivation of Imposing vs. Eliciting

In a recent conversation I had with a father, he told me that when his  sons were young he had attended a parenting seminar. He then related to me how using “natural” and “logical” consequences really helped him. He explained to me that the older son bullied the younger son. The father finally put the older son on the floor and with his foot upon his chest asked him how he felt when someone picked on him. The father said he never again had a problem with the older son picking on the younger son.

Regardless of what you label this approach, it is coercive and not the most effective one. The son stopped picking on his younger brother—… >>>


Logical and Natural Consequences and Discipline Without Stress

“Logical” and/or “natural” consequences are not used in Discipline without Stress. The reason is  secause they are imposed and, therefore, a form of punishment. The Discipline without Stress approach is to work with the student, rather than doing things to the student.It doesn’t matter if the adult’s intention is to teach a lesson; imposed punishments increase the likelihood that the student will feel punished by the adult.

While punishment may effectively stop misbehavior in the short term, there are often many unintended and negative side effects to the use of punishment. Any form of punishment where something is done to another person prompts negative feelings resentment, resistance, and even rebellion and retaliation.

A discipline approach that elicits consequences … >>>