Posts Tagged Creativity

Creativity Reduces Stress

I’ve long believed that creativity reduces stress. Turns out that I’m not the only one. Researchers have long been studying the connection between health and personality traits. Openness—which links to creativity and measures flexibility and willingness to entertain novel ideas—has emerged as a life-long protective factor. It seems that creativity reduces stress and keeps the brain healthy.

Of the personality traits, only creativity decreased mortality risk. One possible reason creativity is a protective of health is because it draws on a variety of neural networks within the brain.

Because the brain is the command center for all bodily functions, exercising it helps all systems to continue running smoothly. Keeping the brain healthy may be one of the most important aspects … >>>


A Creative Approach to Problem Solving

When you discipline with a positive focus, you reduce stress, build trust, avoid conflicts, and increase satisfaction and contentment. Often, creative thinking may be needed in order to achieve these benefits. Such was the case when a mother and young girl were walking the family dog.

The young girl was approximately 5 years old and weighted maybe 45 pounds. The dog being walked was a large mixed breed that probably weighed about 70 pounds. The young girl desperately wanted to be the one walking the dog. While the dog was gentle and loving, the mother knew that one strong tug from the dog and the child would get pulled down and possibly hurt.  

No matter how the mother tried to … >>>