Posts Tagged Encourage Responsible Behavior

Nurture Responsible Behavior

We’ve all heard the old saying that “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” But that’s not true. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. Fences have nothing to do with it.

The fact is that the grass is greenest where you water it. So if you want responsible behavior, you can’t just expect it to just happen. You must tend to it. Are you watering the seeds of responsibility in your own children and students?

You nurture responsible behavior by having high expectations, promoting decision-making at early ages, not accepting victimhood thinking, and not doing things for young people that they can do for themselves.

Remember, people grow … >>>


Responsibilities to Live By

Instead of relying on rules, consider using the term “responsibilities.” This is much more than a mere word choice. In contrast to “rules,” “responsibilities” empower and elevate. They are stated in positive terms, whereas rules are often stated in negative terms. When communications are in positive terms, there is a natural tendency for you to help rather than to punish. So, rather than using the term “rules,” consider using a term that describes what you want to encourage.

For example, you probably have some rules in your home that state:

House Rules

  • No hitting.
  • Don’t make a mess.
  • Don’t blame others for my mistakes.
  • Stay out of my brother’s room.
  • Don’t be late.

All of these statements are meant … >>>