Posts Tagged Personal Responsibility

An Analogy for the Levels of Development

The life cycle of a butterfly not only fascinates but the life cycle of a butterfly in real life can serve as an analogy to the Levels of Development. Once young people understand the basics of building a hierarchy, then their physical growth can be compared to a butterfly life cycle. With this understanding, they become empowered to act more responsibly. Additionally, they reduce their stress and the stress of others with whom young people interact.

The four stages of the life cycle of a butterfly can be related to the four physical states of human development and the Levels of Development.

Began by reminding young people of the life cycle of a butterfly. There are four stages … >>>


A Third-Grader’s View of Responsibility

The following poem about personal responsibility was posted on the wall of a third grade class. The students wrote it themselves and they recite it every day.

Our Responsibility Poem

I am responsible for how I feel and what I do. Nobody can make me feel anything.
If I have a rotten day, I am the one who allowed it to be that way.
If I have a great day, I am the one who deserves the credit for being positive.
It is not the responsibility of other people to change so that I can feel better.
I am the one who is in charge of my life.… >>>


Weaning Off Rewards to Promote Responsibility

So many parents and teachers believe that it is necessary to give young people a reward for doing the right thing that it is a challenging endeavor to stop the practice. But rewards don’t promote responsibility, which is why they need to stop.

A parent asked how to wean her child off the rewards system. Here is what she wrote:

How do I wean my five-year-old son from expecting rewards? He’ll make his bed, straighten all his shoes, and hang up his clothes, all without being asked, and then he comes running up to me with a smiling face and says, “NOW can I have something?” Oh, boy! Have I turned his taking responsibility into a reward? Do I then

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