Posts Tagged Saying No to Children

What to Do Instead of Saying NO

Saying NO to others is common. Have you ever had to say “no” to a person? Of course you have. We all have.

“No” is one of the shortest words in the English language. However, its constant use can prompt some of the biggest challenges in family and in other relationships.

“No” is a negative word. How did you feel that last time someone said “no” to you? Chances are you felt sad, deflated, or maybe even angry. When you ask for something and hear “no,” it’s common to feel negativity.

The negative response not only may prompt stress for the receiver of the comment, but it can also prompt negative feelings and some stress for the person giving the … >>>


Parenting Young Children – A very successful technique

When I ask parents of young children if they ever say “No” to their children, I always receive an affirmative answer. “Of course.”

After all, isn’t it natural to teach young children that they can’t have evrything they want?

Yes, young people need to learn that they cannot get every thing they want. The question is, however, how do you communicate this while at the same time not not having the child develop negative feelings toward the parent or the situation.

The answer lies in adding a simple word to “NO!.”

Simply say, “Not yet.” 

This simple phrase doesn’t prompt the negative feeling that “No” does while, at the same time, giving future hope.

This and many other simple tips … >>>