Posts Tagged spelling

Learning, Reading, and Hearing

“The proper frame of mine,” being charged with a “mister meaner,”  referring to an “Ivory League School,” complaining that a roommate was from “another dementian,” the school was in “secession year round,” “taken for granite,” and becoming “pregnant on that fetal night” were just a few of James Courter’s examples in his July 10  article of The Wall Street Journal.

Courter had recently retired from teaching composition to college freshman. His charge is that today’s young people don’t read. As a result, they sometimes have hilarious notions of how the written language represents what they hear. 

We can only imagine what the English language writings will look like generations from now when … >>>


How can I motivate my students to take care in their schoolwork?


I am a high school Social Studies teacher.As a teacher of a content area, I don’t penalize my students for spelling errors on their assignments as an English teacher would, but at the same time, I don’t want to give them the impression that spelling isn’t important. I’m not having much success. Once the students know that no marks will be taken off for errors, they seem to get even sloppier with their spelling!Do you have any suggestions for how I might use Discipline without Stress to motivate students in this academic situation?


One reason that I enjoy using the Discipline without Stress approach in my own teaching is that I find that the Hierarchy makes it easy >>>