Posts Tagged Tenure

Discipline Without Stress Newsletter – July 2014

—Volume 14 Number 7


  1. Welcome
  2. Promoting Responsibility
  3. Increasing Effectiveness
  4. Improving Relationships
  5. Promoting Learning
  6. Parenting
  7. Discipline without Stress (DWS)
  8. Reviews and Testimonials 




It’s not only what you look at but how you see it. –Henry David Thoreau 


Following are two messages I recently received.
“The last six years that I taught I used your system in my Kindergarten class and found it to be very successful. I believe in your system. I am now retired and do some substitute teaching. The school system that I work for has adopted PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports). Next year I have been asked to do a long-term position from the start

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California’s Tenure Law and Classroom Discipline

Beatriz Vegara was 15 when she said that one of her teachers fell asleep during class. Another of her teachers told Latino students that they would end up cleaning houses for a living.

Brandon Debose, Jr. said that his 10th grade geometry teacher had spent 10 minutes of class taking roll, didn’t explain the work, and expected students to learn math on their own.

In each of these classes, one can only imagine the discipline problems that existed.

Rather than just complain, these students did something about it. Backed by an advocacy group, they sued the California school system and testified about their experiences.

Judge Rolf Treu who heard the case ruled that the California teacher tenure system is … >>>


Teaching and Tenure

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Rolf Treu ruled that California K – 12 school tenure laws are unconstitutional because they compromise student rights to a quality education by protecting incompetent teachers.

The tenure system is a holdover from an era when public school teachers were almost all women and could be fired for many petty procedures and personality relationships that had nothing to do with their teaching competence. Tenure laws were passed to protect teachers from such personal vendettas and from meddling parents trying to dictate what is taught in classrooms.

As an elementary, middle, and high school principal and district director of education, I have learned that good teachers have long been aggravated by the poor performance of … >>>