Be Kind to Reduce Stress

As a youth I developed an attitude that I still use to this day: Be kind to myself. I learned at an early age that I was not perfect, that I made mistakes, and that sometimes I was sorry for what I did or said. Realizing that I could not undo the past and rather than punishing myself with negative thoughts and feelings, I decided to embrace the attitude of the great baseball player, Satchel Page, who said: “Don’t look back; something may be gaining on you.”

When you choose to be kind to yourself and others, your outlook on life changes and your stress level diminishes. Being mean and mentally punishing yourself does no good; rather, it causes enormous harm. I learned that I have less stress and am more productive when I am kind, not only to myself, but also to others. This is the case especially in my relationship with my wife, where I continually ask myself, “Will these words be kind to her?”

It’s Beneficial to Be Kind

People who choose to be kind—both in their words and actions—live with less stress. Rather than stew over what cannot be changed, they look to what can be changed. They take responsibility and move forward with positivity and purpose. The novel and motion picture, “Love Story,” is best known for the famous line: “Love means never having to say you are sorry.” Nothing could be further from the truth! Love means frequently having to say that you are sorry.

Being gentle with yourself and with people who are important to you can significantly reduce your stress. Just reflect, “Am I being kind?”

Always be kind!


My new book, Live Without Stress: How to Enjoy the Journey, is now available as a Kindle book. This book will show how to use some simple strategies to significantly reduce your stress, promote responsibility, increase your effectiveness, improve your relationships, and truly enjoy life’s experiences.



