I received the following in a recent e-mail:
“I am a principal of an educational program in a juvenile detention facility in Pittsburgh. I have read your book six times and I continue to learn more each time I read it. I also bought 15 copies for teachers to read. Your newsletters are also a great reminder of how to work positively with students.
“Last year, I started a Choices program for those students with challenging behaviors. After developing the philosophy and procedures of the program, our program contracted with a behavioral specialist to be in charge of the Choices Room.
“In the school, we use four levels of expectations that are color coded. Students are taught the expectations and it is reviewed every Monday with the teachers. Students that choose not to participate in the school program by not adhering to the expectations are assigned to the Choices Room. The school has a Dean of Students who works with students to help them succeed in school. However, if the student continues to ignore the expectations, the Dean will then assign the student to the Choices room.
“In the Choices room, the student works with the behavioral specialist with some academics but mostly in a reflection of their behaviors. The student is responsible to acknowledge their behaviors, reflect on their behaviors and develop a plan before they can reenter the school program. It is all about helping the student make appropriate choices and helping students become successful. This program has been great!”
Joe Lachowicz, Principal
Shuman Center Education Program
(Used and included with permission)
More testimonials like this are at http://marvinmarshall.com.
Great article! I will be looking forward to more
Thank You,
Nichole Cathleen Romley