Guided Choices of the Raise Responsibility System

I have  questions about the essays in the Raise Responsibility System.

After a student fills out an essay or a self-diagnostic referral and gives it to the teacher, is it best to read it right away and respond in front of the class?


Read it to be sure the student has taken responsibility. Both forms are private between you and the student. The class should not be involved in either an essay or a self-diagnostic referral.

Should it just be put on the teacher’s desk and an appointment made to discuss it, or is there not a discussion with the teacher?

The main purpose of Guided Choices (phase 3 of the Raise Responsibility System ) is to isolate the student, give the student an assignment for reflection, and for the teacher to immediately return to teaching.

Before dismissal, ask two questions: (1) “Do you know why the form was given you?” With Level B, the teacher uses authority but clears the air with the second question: “Do you think it was personal?” You want the student to understand that you have no ill feelings. You are only after more responsible behavior.

Remember, the key to the program is neither the essay nor referral form. It is having your students understand the differences between Level B (unacceptable behavior), Level C (conformity and peer pressure), and Level D (doing right because it is the right thing to do, regardless of peer pressure,.i.e.,
taking initiative and being responsible).

Emphasize the maxim: If you want to be proud of yourself, then do things of which you can be proud.

Finally, keep in mind that the forms are not to be used with early primary students. Also, keep in mind that ELICITING a procedure or consequence is an alternative approach for Guided Choices.
