How Discipline Without Stress Is Unique

The “Discipline Without Stress” (DWS)  System is the only discipline and learning system that is totally noncoercive. This does not mean it is permissive. When disruptive discipline problems occurs, authority is used—but not coercion.

Notice that the term, “system,” is used. See the Discipline Without Stress Teaching modelThe approach is proactive, which is Stephen Covey’s first habit of highly effective people. A hierarchy is taught at the outset to prompt students to reach the highest level.

Desire, caring, integrity, kindness, generosity, perseverance, and responsibility cannot be mandated. These qualities can only be taken, not given by an external agent. The system creates desire so young people want to be responsible, want  to put forth effort in their learning, and want to the the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do. 

In additions to the discipline part of the system—referred to as the Raise Responsibility System—the approach also includes how to use classroom management more effectively and three practices that enhance the success of the system.

A prime reason that the approach is so successful is that it focuses on encouraging responsible behavior by empowering young people. Other programs use manipulative and obedience-focused approaches. Obedience does not create desire. Empowerment does.
