Permission to Use My Discipline and Parenting Approach


Marv, the counselors at my school have requested time at their counselors meeting next month to present something about your Raise Responsibility System. They have been in my presentations and are implementing it this year in their counseling sessions with the classes. They are VERY excited about it and have already realized success. They are meeting with me to discuss their presentation.

I have requested that they wait until I have contacted you to find out what you want presented. I explained that I had received permission to present here in our school. However, I do not think it is fair to you for them to try to teach what they are doing with it in their classrooms unless they have permission and direction from you. Please send me your thoughts about this presentation. It would be a great venue for them to at least spread the word and direct people to you and your website. Also, the district leaders will be there, including the superintendent and assistants.


The reason that I have not placed a service mark (trademark or registered mark) after the RAISE RESPONSIBILITY SYSTEM or the DISCIPLINE WITHOUT STRESS TEACHING MODEL is that some people would think that they cannot use it without permission—as indicated by your request.

My desire is to have as many people exposed to actuating responsible behavior through internal motivation as possible.

To implement the system as designed, ALL of the following needs to be included: (1) being positive with students, (2) letting them know that to learn or not to learn is their choice—that you won’t force learning because you can’t, (3) that the most effective route to change is through self-evaluation and reflection, (4) that only acceptable levels of behavior are allowed—levels C & D, (5) that the way to have people change is through a noncoercive approach by prompting them to reflect on the level of their chosen behavior, and (6) when students act on an inappropriate level of A or B, it is far more effective to ELICIT an activity from them so they have ownership—rather than to impose punishment which promotes victimhood thinking and adversarial relationships.

Some people will take parts of the system and think they have the whole. But this may be better than not encouraging them to start.

The more they read on my website, the greater their chances of getting “the whole.” When people start implementing the three principles (numbers 1, 2, and 3) and the RAISE RESPONSIBILITY SYSTEM (numbers 4, 5, and 6), they will significantly reduce their stress when dealing with inappropriate behavior and start to hear the birds sing, smell the fragrances of flowers, and taste the internal joyful satisfaction of raising responsible citizens.

With this in mind, anyone can reproduce anything from my websites. My only request is that <> be included.
