I stumbled upon an article entitled, “Reducing Perfectionism,” and it was enlightening. I am a principal of two rural buildings and I often direct my teachers to articles and readings that will promote success in the classroom.
I was wondering if you had any ideas or strategies for a child we would like to help. His teacher is frustrated because he takes so very long to complete his work. He is very neat, precise and there is no issue with his learning. He is successful, but his tendency is to be perfect. It must look right, by his perception, before moving on; it’s this moving on that we need to trigger. I am open to any strategies that may get him to move on and quicker, but still be conscious of doing a good job.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We have tried the timer, to no avail. We have also accomplished getting him to stop making a meticulous darkened circle and an exact curve to make commas…whew!
Thank you for your time.
P.S. We have parents working on steps toward a neurological or psychiatric work-up so we are moving in the right direction, but the teacher has only so many minutes in a day. She is patient and doing a fine job building his self-esteem. He is a new student to our school.
“Reducing Perfectionism” is a section in Chapter 4, PROMOTING LEARNING, in my book and is described on that website.
Additional suggestions will be given in the next posting.