Posts Tagged Consistency in Approach

Discipline and Fairness

Maintaining order in your classroom or your home is critical. As you do so, though, never forget this basic truth about discipline: Children do not mind a tough teacher (or parent) but they despise an unfair one.

Being unfair can run the gamut from imposing a harsh punishment one day and a lenient one the next, or not giving a reward for something even though the same behavior earned a reward last week. Once children view you as unfair, you’ve lost them.

This is why when it comes to discipline situations, imposed punishments simply don’t work. There’s no way to be consistent or fair with such measures. In fact, imposing the same consequence on all students/children is the least fair … >>>


Consistency and Fairness in Discipline

Consistency is important when using discipline, but so is fairness. How does a parent resolve a situation where, for example, two siblings are fighting? The usual approach is to impose the same consequence on both parties. But is equality the same as fairness when it comes to discipline? What if one sibling is continually the instigator? Since one individual may have started the incident and since each person’s sensitivity is different, imposing the same consequence on all parties is the least fair approach.

A more effective and fairer approach for discipline is to elicit a consequence or a procedure from each individual to redirect impulses that will help each youngster become more responsible. Of course, if you think that the … >>>


Teacher Consistency and Discipline Problems

Consistency in approach is important for youth. One common complaint I hear from teachers who use the Discipline Without Stress system is that it can be tough for students to experience consistency when all the faculty and staff in the school aren’t on the same page in terms of handling discipline problems.  

That’s why I offer an In-House Staff Development package for schools, which promotes responsible behavior and increases academic performance.

Schools who engage in the training benefit because it helps reduce office referrals and suspensions, diminish bullying, increase safety, and enhance academic performance.

Teachers benefit because it improves classroom management skills, empowers teachers to better handle classroom disruptions, and reduces stress.

Student benefit because they start to behave more … >>>