Posts Tagged Reduce Discipline Challenges

How to Increase Student Engagement

Discipline problem often occur due to a lack of student engagement. If the teacher is promoting something interesting, students are quite capable of being engaged. So, instead of thinking, “I am going to control this disruptive behavior,” a more effective approach would be to think, “What can I do that is interesting to prevent students from misbehaving in the first place?” After all, curiosity is a great motivator.

The punishment mindset has many disadvantages, especially when you’re punishing due to student engagement issues. If punishment becomes arbitrary, any young person is going to feel angry and even disillusioned. When people in authority want others to behave responsibility, it is the leader’s responsibility to first behave in this same manner. The … >>>


Develop the Discipline of Self-Reflection

Children learn by example. What they see you do on a daily basis is what they will do in life as well. Therefore, in order to promote responsibility in youth, all adults need to develop the discipline of self-reflection.

Self-reflection focuses on looking inward—how to control passions, redirect impulses, restrain oneself from temptation, monitor one’s ego, assess the balance between the amount of time devoted to entertainment and time devoted to learning, and such things as what the individual needs to do in order to develop good character traits and become a good, contributing member of society. Many of the early Americans—George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and of course Benjamin Franklin, to name but few—focused on what they could and would … >>>