Posts Tagged reducing perfectionism

Being a Perfectionist Causes Stress

To be a perfectionist—to live your life to perfection—sounds just about perfect, doesn’t it?

Don’t be fooled. This tip will have you realize why aiming for perfection is flawed and what you can do about it.

Perfection is a goal that you should not strive to achieve because it can prompt a crippling condition, anxiety, and overly critical self-evaluation.

Realize that while excellence can be reached, perfectionism cannot. Striving to be a perfectionist—for flawlessness—and setting excessively high standards is a burden no one should carry.

Being a Perfectionist Harms Youth

For many young people in particular, a focus on perfection has opened pathways to live with the idea that they have to be perfect for people to accept them. This … >>>


One Strategy to Reduce Perfectionism in Youth

Perfectionism plagues many students. While wanting to do a good job is indeed an important trait, sometimes it can go to the extreme. When this occurs, it takes students very long to complete their work. Neatness and precision are imperative to perfectionists. Whatever they are working on must look right—by their perception—before they can move on. This ultimately hinders their progress and results in frustration on the part of the youth and the teachers.

Here is an assignment to give students who suffer from perfectionism: Have the student explain the following aphorism, “You cannot be perfect and learn at the same time.”

A few examples may help. (1) Have him assume that he is playing the piano and makes a … >>>


An Interview about Where We Are Going – Part IV

This is the fourth part in a series of interviews about “Where We Are Going” with Michael F. Shaughnessy of Eastern New Mexico University.

What kind of assistance is found at your website?

RESPONSE: is the foundational site that contains free information explaining the entire system. This site includes such links as The Discipline Without Stress® Teaching Model, The Hierarchy of Social Development, support links, and other links to implement the proactive, totally noncoercive (but not permissive) system .

My aim is to have teachers increase their joy of teaching, reduce stress, improve relationships, and become more effective.

In addition to this main website, there are other sites to help teachers and parents: Discipline Without >>>