Posts Tagged Risk Taking

The Secret to Stress-Free Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is a part of life. Does taking a risk stress you out?

Well, stress no more… this next tip will make risk assessment easy and have you reaping the rewards of risk taking.

Any time you engage in an activity you are taking a risk. This is how we all live our lives. From getting out of bed in the morning and not losing your balance so you don’t fall, to crossing the street and hoping a car doesn’t hit you, life is filled with risks.

Even relationships involve taking risks. If you commit to someone, the risk is that the relationship won’t be mutually advantageous.

Now, keeping in mind that we are always making choices—and thereby taking … >>>


A Simple Procedure for Handling Risk

If there is one area in life that many people struggle with, it is that of taking a risk. The reason is that risk creates fear, and fear prompts inaction.

Here is a simple and practical system (procedure) to deal with risks.

Look at any situation where a decision needs to be made. It makes no difference what the decision is—be it taking a vacation, purchasing something, or some action. Ask yourself three questions:

  1. As a result of taking this action, what is the best thing that can happen?

Then flip the coin:

  1. As a result of taking this action, what is the worst thing that can happen?

Then use some moderation by asking,

  1. What is the most likely thing
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