Posts Tagged Urgent vs. Important

A Time Management Strategy to Reduce Stress

When it comes to time management, knowing the difference between what is urgent versus what is important is essential. Why? Because there is a marked difference between what is urgent and what is important. If you focus on the wrong one, or if you are continually diverting your attention between the two, chances are that your stress level will rise.

Think of it this way: An urgent task may not be very important in the long run; however, an urgent task may demand immediate attention. In contrast to something urgent, an important task is something that moves you toward your goal. Where do you think you should focus your attention for optimal time management and lower stress?

Before you answer … >>>


Urgent vs. Important

There is a marked difference between what is urgent and what is important.

An urgent task may not be very important in the long run, but it demands immediate attention. An important task is something that moves you toward your goal.

If the roof is leaking and water is dripping on your favorite reading chair, the urgent task is to move the chair. The important task is to fix the leak.

Here is another example to deal with the difference. If you are working on a project and a creative idea pops into you head that has nothing to do with the task at hand, write it down to attend to it later. If you leave the important task at … >>>