The Common Core requirements are being applied across the nation. I have had serious concerns since they first came into being.
One of my main concerns is that academics are being thrust upon young boys in kindergarten and first grade before boys are cognitively mature enough to meet these academic demands. In my administrative experiences as an elementary school principal, I would often counsel parents into having very young boys repeat kindergarten or first grade. Being held back at very young ages is in young people’s best interests—in contrast to feelings of failure or failing in a higher grade.
Apparently some states are also having reservations about the “Common Core State Standards Initiative.” For example, should every eighth-grader know how to apply the Pythagorean Theorem? Should fifth-graders be multi-media savvy? Should third-graders be able to write opinion pieces?
Forty-five states thought so when their officials approved a uniform set of learning benchmarks known as the Common Core State Standards in recent years. However, many states are having second thoughts about their decision—thanks to a backlash by many who believe the guidelines represent a federal takeover of education. Organizers are arguing to delay, defund, or chuck the standards entirely.
The standards were designed to help ensure consistency across the U.S. in math and English, so that students from Seattle to Sarasota are “college and career ready” when they graduate from high school. The guidelines stipulate what students should learn and when.
Is there an inference here that every student should attend college? If so, do you think this is a valid goal for every American student?