Examples of Levels of Development to Promote Learning

The Levels of Development is a highly effective approach to promote learning.

Establishing expectations by prompts from the teacher, and/or eliciting descriptors from students, BEFORE an activity and then REFLECTING AFTER the activity increase both motivation and achievement.



Following are two samples of the posts:


LEVEL D (INTERNAL motivation)
• Perseveres in spite of a challenge
• Retains an optimistic attitude toward obstacles
• Doesn’t require constant adult direction or supervision to stay on task
• Independently asks for help when necessary, rather than unnecessarily worrying

LEVEL C (EXTERNAL motivation)
• Does all of the above but ONLY when an adult is nearby or when there is a desire to impress someone who is watching

• On task ONLY when an adult is directly supervising and even then doesn’t choose to focus well
• Gives up without much effort
• Displays a pessimistic attitude toward obstacles
• Blames others or circumstances as an excuse for giving up
• Doesn’t ask for help or accept help that is offered
• Worries but doesn’t choose to take action that will help in moving forward



LEVEL D (INTERNAL motivation)
• Displays sportsmanship whether or not an adult is present
• Demonstrates effort to participate
• Always comes to class dressed and prepared

LEVEL C (EXTERNAL motivation)
• Participates in class as expected by teacher
• Uses equipment properly while supervised
• Helps with clean-up when directly asked

• Interrupts the focus of others in the class
• Doesn’t follow the rules of games
• Uses equipment improperly

• Demonstrates poor sportsmanship
• Acts in a way that endangers safety of others
• Leaves clean up of equipment to others
