Visualization Reduces Stress

In my new book, Live Without Stress: How to Enjoy the Journey, I assert that visualization reduces stress. To that end, visualization—creating mental images—can improve the quality of life. Why? Those who use visualization attain a more positive energy level because it increases the sense of emotional well-being.

Think about this: Before the first airplane was built, there were many people who visualized human flight. Before smart phones were developed, Internet communication with a hand-held device had to be visualized. There is no doubt that visualization is a critical cornerstone for any goal to be achieved.

A Basic Understanding of Visualization

Until just over 100 years ago, no person could ever tell another person the same story. For example, visualize the following short scenario to understand the process:

A cowboy is riding a horse. The horse sees a snake. The horse jumps and the rider is thrown off the horse.

Now, mentally respond to the following questions:

  • What was the rider wearing?
  • Where did this incident occur?
  • What was the color of the horse?
  • What time did this event take place?

Your imagination visualized the scene. You certainly could not describe what you envisioned from reading the short description because there were no descriptors—no adjectives or adverbs. So what’s the point? Before motion pictures, no one could see the exact same story, the same visuals.

Authors, in contrast to motion pictures screenwriters, write for the mind. Novels, in particular, are elaborate scenarios in which each of us creates a moving picture for oneself.

The critical point to understand is that the human brain thinks in pictures—not in words. Therefore, tap into the ability to visualize possibilities and outcomes that are positive. The energy of upward movement counteracts stress and greatly improves effectiveness.


My new book, Live Without Stress: How to Enjoy the Journey, is now available as a Kindle book. This book will show how to use some simple strategies to significantly reduce your stress, promote responsibility, increase your effectiveness, improve your relationships, and truly enjoy life’s experiences.
