Answer with A Question

The following is from an e-mail I received after presenting in Dearborn, Michigan:

You taught the teachers at my school (The  Dearborn Academy) about several
ways to increase responsibility and self-discipline in our students.

I am happy to tell you that many teachers implemented their new skills
in their classes today. I used several myself. Two times today students a
asked me what to do. I asked them what they thought they should do.
Both times they said that they  didn’t know, and both times I replied with,
“Well if you knew what to do, what would it be?”

I was happy to hear both of the students tell me exactly what they were
supposed to do. It worked!

I am very thankful for your visit to our school.
I think it will be a great help for myself and my students.

Kristina Caldwell

Other reflective questions to prompt responsibility and learning are at this site.
