
My Most Important Video

Managing Stress by managing your emotions

You can reduce stress and eliminate anxiety by managing emotions. Since you have the power to change your thinking, you also have the ability to alter your emotions. The key to reduce stress and improve stress management is by being mindful of emotions.

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Levels of Development Explained

The Levels of Development primarily explains the difference between external motivation and internal motivation.

Although technically all motivation is internal, being able to articulate something outside of ourselves that prompts or motivates will help us make more responsible decisions.

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Impulse Control and Stress Management

Live Without Stress: How to Enjoy the Journey opens with a quotation: “If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, tension, and stress. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” —George Burns, American entertainer, 1896-1996

Living without stress was the key to Masazo Nonaka’s (1905 – 2019) long life—recognized by the Guinness World Records as the world’s oldest man in April 2018 when he was 112 years old. He passed on at 113 in on January 20, 2019 in Hokkaido, Japan.

His granddaughter, Yuko, told the Kyodo News that his long life was due to his trying to “live without stress.”

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Steps To Overcome Stress, Depression, And Fear

If you look underneath depression you will find anger. Look under anger, and you will discover sadness. Analyze sadness and you will find the root of all that is masquerading for depression—fear!

It is impossible to think clearly when you are flooded with fear, anxiety, or negative thinking. The more you are anxious or negative, the more such thinking will be reinforced. Do it often enough and it can become a habit. So, when anxiety, fear, or negativity arouses you, immediately redirect your thinking by getting involved with some other thought or engage in a new activity. This is the most effective and efficient approach. The reason is that emotion always follows cognition.

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The Calf Path

Society has been changed by a number of factors—not the least of which is technology. Unfortunately, however, relationships have not improved in far too many situations using technology. People still continue to use ineffective approaches to influence others.

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Positivity Reduces Stress

Communicating in positive terms to yourself and to others triggers enthusiasm, capability, and self-confidence.

Allow me to share some additional advantages when your self-talk and communications to others are in positive—rather than in negative—terms. I also want to emphasize that positivity applies especially to teachers who are engaged in classroom management and classroom discipline.

Positivity feels good.

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Reduce Stress with the Levels of Development

The life cycle of a butterfly not only fascinates but the life cycle of a butterfly in real life can serve as an analogy to the Levels of Development—sometimes referred to as the Marvin Marshall Hierarchy. Once young people understand the basics of building a hierarchy, then their physical growth can be compared to a butterfly life cycle. With this understanding, they become empowered to act more responsibly and reduce their stress and the stress of others with whom young people interact.

The four stages of the life cycle of a butterfly can be related to the four physical states of human development and the Hierarchy of Social Development.

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Stress and a Counseling Session

Want to change a young person’s attitude and behavior? Here is an example of how to have a student change both attitude and behavior.

What I will be describing is not a mock school counseling session but an actual individual counseling session when I took the role of a school counselor in a counseling session to demonstrate essential counseling skills. The school counselor observed how I implemented counseling theories and counseling techniques in practice with a middle school girl who was the school’s most challenging student.

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Obedience and Stress

Are you aware of the advantages and disadvantages of conformity and the importance of obedience?

Obedience and stress are perhaps best illustrated in the Stanley Milgram experiment of understanding submission and obedience to authority.

Conformity and obedience are natural and necessary in any society. This is how cultures perpetuate their values and traditions. However, obedience can promote stress on the part of all concerned.

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Rules Create Stress

Would you believe that no school rules are better than classroom rules? When you understand the difference between classroom rules & procedures you will understand why my 5 simple classroom rules are so effective. You will also understand the reason that my basic school rules are essentially school rules in real life.

Since the rules of the classroom are to promote responsibility, why not use a more effective term than classroom rules—such as responsibility.

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Using Negatives Creates Stress

Do you find yourself reacting negatively rather than positively?
Is your natural inclination to say, “NO” rather than “Yes?” Using negatives creates stress.
If you understand how the brain works, this is easy to remember. The brain cannot picture a negative image.

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Know how to lose friends and alienate people?

Have you ever had the experience of wanting to buy something, but the salesperson alienated you, or you were turned off so much that you did not buy from that person—that you felt estranged!

Why lose friends and alienate people? Understanding how NOT to alienate or have someone not turned off is significant in reducing stress.

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