Eliciting Rather than Imposing Punishments

The most effective approach for repeated discipline challenges is to ELICIT a consequence or procedure to help the student help himself to avoid future unacceptable behavior. This should be done in private by stating, “What you have done is not on an acceptable level.” Then ask, “What do you suggest we do about it?” Be ready to ask, “What else?” “What else?” “What else?” until what the student says is acceptable and will assist the student in not repeating the behavior.

The advantages of ELICITING the consequence are multiple:

  • 1. An adversarial relationship is avoided,
  • 2. The student has ownership in the decision,
  • 3. Victimhood thinking is not encouraged because the student is empowered—rather than overpowered, and
  • 4. The student has developed a plan to avoid repetition of the inappropriate behavior.

When talking with the student in private may not be immediately practical, one of the forms can be used. (K-1 teachers can have the student draw the situation.)

When handing the form to the student, give the student choices. Three (3) choices are more effective than two because any sense of coercion is eliminated with a third choice.

Quietly ask, for example,
—Would you prefer to complete the activity in your seat,
—at the rear of the room,
—or in the office?

The teacher controls the situation using this approach because the teacher is asking the question(s), and as long as the student has a choice, dignity is preserved and confrontation is avoided.
