Dear Dr. Marshall,
About a week before school started, I went online looking for a way to provide a suitable reward system to make sure that my classes were positive and motivated. I knew that rewards were more effective than punishments, or so I thought.
I did a search for “Discipline Rewards” and your site popped up. I started reading your website and I was immediately on-board. After spending about an hour on your site, I decided to try your system this year.
I spent the second day of school talking to my classes about the hierarchy. Their homework was for them to go online and research the Raise Responsibility System.
We discussed their viewpoints the 3rd day of school and the changes started immediately.
I realized for the first time in over 25 years of teaching that I was not having enough faith in my students. As High Priestess of the Control Freaks, I had to learn to step back and give them the chance to analyze their own behavior and come up with their own responsible responses.
The entire atmosphere in my algebra class is changed to one of maturity, self-discipline, helpfulness, and respect. I am not exhausted by the end of the day from trying to control all my students. No more adversarial confrontations!
I am now frequently impressed by the maturity that my students are showing. I have gone from bossing to trusting.
I just received your book yesterday and I plan to get books for my colleagues and also provide some staff development.
Thank you for your website and for your sound principles. I am a much calmer and happier teacher now.
Sharon Miles
Crownsville, Maryland