Reduce Stress through Diffusion

You can reduce your stress through diffusion by understanding the difference between a light bulb and a laser beam.

I learned something about focusing and diffusion at a very young age that can apply to relieving stress.

When I was a young boy, I had small magnifying glass. When I held the magnifying glass at a certain distance from an object, it made the object I was focusing on look bigger. I could also see the object much more clearly.

After using it for its original purpose, I discovered another use for it. I learned that it had an unsuspected power. If I focused the sun’s rays on a tiny spot and, if I held it there long enough, it would burn a hole.

After I discovered the power of this focus, it taught me a lesson for life.

Stress cam work on the same principle. Focus on the specific thought that prompts stress, and this concentration will intensify your stress. Your thinking will act like a laser beam intensifying and magnifying your stress level.

In contrast, if you think of a light bulb that diffuses light, focus is not concentrated. The light shines on a wide variety of items or thoughts from which to choose.

So, the more you focus on what is promoting your stress, the more the stress will exclude other thoughts and actions that would allow you to think of more choices. The more you pivot away from a direct and sole beam of thought, the less stress you will feel.

Here is the primary point to remember: The difference between a lightbulb and a laser beam is the focus.

Obviously, focus and concentration are critical for success in most situations. However, if the situation is a negative one, think of a lightbulb that offers more light on a variety of options.

Tip: When you find yourself focusing on stress, think of a lightbulb that prompts more light on different options.

Read about laser learning.


