Posts Tagged character education

Discipline Without Stress

The following is shared about the book:

“As parents and educators, we need all the assistance we can get. Marv Marshall helps us reduce our stress and increase our potential success by giving us many helpful ideas. You will find this book filled with insights and proven strategies that can be applied to all age levels.”

Nancy K. Utterback, Ph.D., Professor
Education & Character Education, Walsh University, Ohio

The reason that the approach is so successful is that counterproductive approaches are not used. click here to see a list of them.… >>>


Would a school pledge fit into the Discipline without Stress approach?

At our school, we have a program intended to create peace in our community. I am being told that I must teach the pledge that goes with this program. Although I do like the idea of encouraging kids to be peaceful, I wonder how a pledge would fit into a Discipline without Stress approach. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

The pledge is:

I am a Peacebuilder.
I pledge to give up put-downs,
seek wise people,
notice and speak up about hurts I have caused,
and to right wrongs.
I pledge to build peace at home, at school,
and in my community each day.

Perhaps you feel uncomfortable, not about the pledge itself, but rather about telling students that … >>>