Comparing Yourself with Others

Do you compare crayons?

Comparing is such a natural activity that we become a victim of its effects. Every time you compare yourself with another and think lesser of yourself, you fall into the abyss of a useless activity. Your feelings fall with you, and you have gained nothing.

On the other hand, the opposite occurs when you feel better because you think you are better than the other person. Your feelings soar. But to what avail?

Does it add to your humanity to know that you are "better" than someone else?

We may never break the "comparing" habit, but a start would be to put some money in a jar every time you compare yourself with someone. You may find that in a very short period of time you will have accumulated a small fortune. (Now, that could be useful.)

Think "different"—not better or worse. (This, by the way, is what diversity is all about.)

As youngsters use crayons, they should be taught that, although all are different, they all make contributions. We pick and choose because of the differences, but this does not mean that one is better than the other. Which is a better color: red, blue, green, yellow? Because I may  list blue first, does that mean I believe blue is a better color than the others? The cover of my parenting book is green and yellow. I really like it. But I also like blue and red.

As the artist uses colors for different purposes, learn from others, but refrain from comparing—unless you want to start a savings account.
