If you truly want to manage your time effectively, stop thinking in terms of amount and start thinking in terms of priority.
If you truly want to manage your time effectively, stop thinking
in terms of amount and start thinking in terms of priority.
Divide priorities into musts and wants. Ensure that you have
ample time for the musts, then fill in the wants as needed, and
ignore everything that isn’t on the priority list–unless you
have still more time left over. If not doing your wants creates
problems, they will become priorities. If not doing them doesn’t
matter, they will disappear. And if all of your musts are
work-related, throw out the list and start again.
Divide priorities into musts and wants. Ensure that you have ample time for the musts, then fill in the wants as needed, and ignore everything that isn’t on the priority list—unless you have still more time left over.
If not doing your wants creates problems, they will become priorities. If not doing them doesn’t matter, they will disappear.