When most people think of “consulting,” they envision a business scenario—something very corporate. But did you know that consulting can help on a personal level too, especially in terms of discipline and relationships?
After recently presenting to a number businesses, schools, and parent groups and listening to so many complaints, I feel an obligation to offer a consulting service to teachers, parents, and/or leaders in any occupation or industry who would like to reduce stress, promote responsible behavior, improve relationships, promote learning, and/or receive more joy in parenting.
Think of this as a way to tap into my years of wisdom on a one-to-to level and get customized advice and strategies based on your unique situation. Do you have a child who requires constant discipline? Are you struggling with promoting responsibility in your classroom students? Would you like to foster stronger relationships in all areas of your life? We can cover all that and more.
For more information about consulting and how it can help with your discipline challenges, please see the consulting page on this website.
I have been following your emails for a few years. For the first time in my career, and complicated by life outside the classroom, I have lost control in my classroom management and in my passion for teaching. The passion is coming back, but I do not want to go through another year of extreme misbehavior as I did this past year. I am going to be reading your book this week in preparation for going back in the fall. I may be looking for additional advice from you.
I have been following your emails for a few years. For the first time in my career, and complicated by life outside the classroom, I have lost control in my classroom management and in my passion for teaching. The passion is coming back, but I do not want to go through another year of extreme misbehavior as I did this past year. I am going to be reading your book this week in preparation for going back in the fall. I may be looking for additional advice from you.
I see you work with the Los Angeles Unified School District. I worked with LAUSD for 10 years and even used 10 LAUSD for my dissertation. From what I gather you have not been using the Discipline Without Stress Teaching Model. Here are two comments I received yesterday about the system:This is an amazing system. Research has linked “relationships” to school improvement for quite a while now. Coercive and punitive discipline do not allow for relationships to develop (e.g., adults yelling, put downs, intimidation, bullying, and trying to MAKE someone change behavior.) Finally, a system that teaches what we must do to develop responsible, self-disciplined students! The Raise Responsibility System (RRS) works for the students! I have seen some amazing results with some very challenging students. BUT, it will only work if the teacher places a high priority on teaching the hierarchy and then practicing, practicing, practicing. Consistency will pay off! It also is important to READ and study Dr. Marshall’s book: Discipline Without Stress, Punishments, or Rewards.
—Pam Hart, Texas Leadership Charter Academy Specialist
The Raise Responsibility System (RRS) fits so perfectly with our core values and beliefs at Texas Leadership Charter Academy in developing leaders and responsible, well-educated citizens. It is definitely a tool for helping children act responsibly. I believe in this approach so much that I bought our son a copy of the book Parenting Without Stress: How to Raise Responsible Kids While Keeping a Life of Your Own.
One thing I’ve discovered in this journey of adopting the RRS as a school-wide model is that it takes diligence to practice positivity, give students choices, and use reflective questions to help students assess their behavior and accept responsibility for their actions. It takes awareness and much practice in order for positivity, choices, and reflective questions to become new habits. But, WOW, was it worth the effort.
— Denise Rives, TLCA Principal
My suggestion for a quick way to implement the entire system is to link to http://marvinmarshall.com/shop/children-of-rainbow-school and to http://marvinmarshall.com/shop/discipline-without-stress-resource-guide