Positivity and Emotions

In the human body, the amygdala (Greek for almond) is composed of two almond-shaped emotional storage areas above the brain stem. It developed before the thinking part of the brain did and prompts immediate reaction—the so-called “fight or flight” syndrome.

As the amygdala does not differentiate between physical or psychological threat, so the mind often does not differentiate between fantasy and reality. You can tell yourself almost anything you want and you can believe it.

Consequently, what you think has an effect upon how you feel. Other people—even children—can sense your feelings and your mood. They can even sense your feelings over the phone.

Whether you have a negative or a positive feeling while you are talking, the other person can notice it. People can detect emotions without a word being said. For example, think of a time when you entered a room just after the people already in the room have had an argument. You didn’t hear the argument, but you sensed it. What was the first thing you wanted to do? The question became one not of leaving, but of how fast you could.

This is one of the reason why positivity—both outward and inward—is so important in the Discipline Without Stress methodology. If you want a more positive classroom and teaching experience, you must be the one who initiates the positive thoughts and emotions. When your students feel your positive attitude and emotions, you have taken the first step to reducing discipline issues.

Ultimately, whenever you want someone else to think/feel positive thoughts, you must experience positivity first—with the knowledge that it becomes communicated before your saying a word.
