Positivity Reduces Stress

Communicating in positive terms to yourself and to others triggers enthusiasm, capability, and self-confidence. Allow me to share some additional advantages when your self-talk and communications to others are in positive—rather than in negative—terms. I also want to emphasize that positivity applies especially to teachers who are engaged in classroom management and classroom discipline.

Benefits of Positivity

Positivity feels good. It brings joy, gratitude, and energy. It negates despair and instead prompts hope, pride, and inspiration.

Positive emotions engage people’s attention. It changes your outlook on life because it expands your worldview.

It prompts people to look around more.

Positivity changes how your mind works. It builds psychological strength and mental habits, such as looking for humor that promotes good health.

Thinking in positive terms promotes gratitude, which is the key characteristic leading to happiness.

Positivity can transform your future. It brings out the best in you. It can help you sleep better, become more optimistic, and improve connections to friends and family.

Positive thoughts reduce negativity. Negativity often increases your blood pressure. In contrast, thinking positively calms it. Being positive is also the key to resiliency and perseverance.

Positivity can prompt a tipping point, the sweet spot where a small change can make a big difference. It changes your outlook on life because it stems from a positive disposition.

Positivity alters how you see your connections with others. You start thinking WE instead of ME. You look past things that separate you from others—like racial differences—to appreciate the uniqueness of other people.

Being positive promotes wellness and good health. Many studies have shown that a positive attitude promotes a longer life span.

Positivity Tip:

You can willfully change the way your brain works to shape and reshape both your thinking and your emotions. For example, when you think of situations as challenges—rather than as problems—this positive attitude engenders more solutions that reduce stress. Here is another example. Just thinking, “I get to see my mother-in-law” in contrast to, “I have to see my mother-in-law” changes your mindset and the experience.

For more information regarding living your life without stress, visit https://withoutstress.com.

To have Dr. Marvin Marshall speak at your next event, visit http://MarvinMarshall.com.

To handle every discipline problem simply and easily, visit http://DisciplineOnline.com.

To view Dr. Marshall’s award-winning line of books, visit http://PiperPress.com.

