Posts Tagged impulse management

Stop Being the Victim of Emotional Hijacking

Have you ever felt like you’ve been the victim of an emotional hijacking? In other words, have your emotions ever overridden your brain in a particular situation? Perhaps you acted from your emotions and later realized you could have handled the situation better.

The following story a reader sent me about her realization of her own emotional hijacking may ring true for you too:

“When I read your recommendations in handling discipline problems, I can agree. But when it comes to implementing them at the time of need, I find myself overcome with anger and forget your recommendations. In other words, theoretically, I agree with your recommendations of behavior but when it comes to practice I have to deal with … >>>


Discipline Without Stress Newsletter – May 2015

 Volume 15 Number 5


  1. Welcome
  2. Promoting Responsibility
  3. Increasing Effectiveness
  4. Improving Relationships
  5. Promoting Learning
  6. Parenting
  7. Discipline without Stress (DWS)
  8. Reviews and Testimonials 




Reflection on the recent race rioting in U.S. cities:
You will never succeed in getting at the truth if you think that you know, ahead of time, what the truth ought to be.

I continue to receive praise for my two books, “Discipline Without Stress” and “Parenting Without Stress,” and so I have finally decided to write a third book entitled, “Life Without Stress.”

This is where you have an opportunity to get involved with the project. My plans are to share each chapter with interested readers. Participants will be

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Impulse Control and School Achievement

Kids who can control their impulses do better in school.

It is common for people to believe that intelligence plays the key role in children’s academic achievement. However, a study by Pennsylvania University researchers found that the ability to self-regulate—to pay attention to a task and inhibit impulsive behavior—was more important than intelligence for early academic success.

A child’s ability to monitor his or her thinking and behavior develops rapidly during school. Parents who are interested in boosting their children’s school readiness should engage them in some activities that involve taking turns, paying attention for sustained periods, and for prompting them to reflect on their self-control.

One procedure that can be practiced to help in impulse control is explained in … >>>


Eliciting and Impulse Control


I have your book, and I’m trying to find the best way to approach students who have physically harmed another. An example: One little girl pinched a boy because she thought he was going to pull some books down on her. He almost pulled the books on me.

The three of us discussed the incident and the two students seemed satisfied. I asked the pinched child what he thought should happen and the pinching child apologized. Was there another way for me to approach the situation?


Excellent! You ELICITED from the child, rather than impose something.

The next step is to establish some procedure. Let’s assume the student has the urge to do it again. Discuss what … >>>