Posts Tagged parents

Stress Management for Parents

Most parents I know are seeking help with stress management. Between work and family, there is always so much to do. No wonder so many parents turn to rewards and punishments in order to get their children to comply. Unfortunately, using such techniques actually makes the parent’s stress level rise. If you want true parental stress management, you need to focus on responsibility, not outdated parenting models.

Here’s why.

Social scientists have determined that we accept inner responsibility for a behavior when we think we have CHOSEN to perform it in the absence of outside pressure, such as a large reward.

While an incentive may get us to perform a certain action, it won’t get us to accept inner responsibility … >>>


What to Do When a Parent Misbehaves

Many teachers have discipline challenges not only with students, but also with the parents. In such cases, the parent of the misbehaving child may become rude or downright hostile when you, the teacher, explain that their “little angel” has discipline issues at school. What can you do when parents misbehave and are in need of some discipline themselves?

First, stay calm. Remember that you are being paid to teach the child, not the parents. It is a sad fact of life today that too many parents are confrontational rather than supportive. If you find yourself in a situation where a parent is getting enraged or offended because you are discussing discipline issues regarding their child, ask the parent, “What do … >>>


Parents and Willow Trees

Parents and others working with young people may want to consider the willow tree.

The willow tree bends with the wind; it is flexible and flowing. The oak tree is rigid, hard, stiff, and inflexible.

During a storm, the willow stays intact while the oak looses branches.

This is an important concept in life—especially regarding relationships. Being rigid and inflexible seldom brings about optimal results for all concerned.… >>>


You See What You Expect

Parents, teachers—really anyone— find what they expect.

A man pulled into a gas station on the outskirts of town. As he filled his tank, he remarked to the attendant, “I’ve just accepted a job in town. I’ve never been to this part of the country. What are people like here?

“What are people like where you came from?” the attendant asked.

“Not so nice,” the man replied. “In fact, they can be quite rude.”

The attendant shook his head. “Well, I’m afraid you’ll find the people in this town to be the same way.”

Just then another car pulled into the station. “Excuse me,” the driver called out. “I’m on my way into town. I’m just moving to the area. … >>>


I have some parents who don’t like that “D” behavior is better than “A.”

I have some parents who don’t like that “D” behavior is better behavior than “A” when it comes to talking about discipline.  My students get letter grades for conduct and a few parents have a difficult time with D being good in the classroom but not on the report card. Can you help me with this?

This is a common question and a natural assumption, yet the assumption that students get confused is very often not an accurate one. The proof would be to ask the students.

Much of our language–and much of what we do in life–depends on context. Here are some examples:

• When do we use “to” or “too” or “two”? It … >>>