
Workplace Competition and Stress

If your workplace stress is due to your co-workers, this tip may help. You may not be able to pick with whom you work, but you can pick how to get along with them in order to reduce stress.

Stress can be reduced when people collaborate in the workplace—rather than compete. This inefficiency can prompt stress.

Since I developed my without stress tips approach—primarily from my teaching—an example from the classroom can best help understand the point.

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Not Angering Reduces Stress

An old Chinese proverb says, “If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.”

The questions, “Anything I can do?” or “I’ve had a similar experience and I can relate to your situation” can help you respond in a difficult situation with sensitivity, rather than with sarcasm that can promote stress.

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Stress and Wealth

In my book, Live Without Stress, I have a comprehensive chapter on finance. Although having enough money to satisfy basic needs is critical to not having stress, sufficient financial resources are not the key to wealth. Read on to find my definition of wealth.

Many people believe that making more money creates wealth. And a person can devote time to make more money.

But it’s impossible to create more time.

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Reflective Questions Relieves Stress

You can learn how to relieve stress with reflective questions. Simply put, reflective questions relieve stress. The reasons are twofold: (1) Just asking redirects your thinking which, in turn, changes your feelings, and (2) you realize that you have options—that you need not feel like a victim.

Reflective questions carry additional attributes aside from relieving stress because they place you in command. That, by itself, reduces tension, anxiety, and stress. Asking yourself reflective questions relieves stress by also defusing frustrating situations and promoting responsible thinking.

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Focus to Reduce Stress

Withoutstress Tip focus to reduce stress

When you find yourself in a stressful situation do you feel overwhelmed?

There was once a navy jet pilot who was terrified at first when landing his aircraft on the deck of an aircraft carrier. “Everything was in motion,” he said. “The ship was tossing up and down, the waves were moving, the airplane was moving, and trying to get it all to move together seemed impossible.”

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Reduce Stress Through Education

A sage once said, “Education is what you have left over after you have forgotten everything you have learned in school.”

Education, or learning, is always renewable because learning should never end until life ends. You always have the option of looking at any new learning as a positive experience, the choice to engage in the activity (remembering that with the risk comes the reward), and reflecting on the joy of your new learning.

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Parenting Stress and a Biblical Interpretation

It can be quite stressful for parents to know how to discipline a child. Those who are religiously oriented sometimes turn to the Bible to defend their reasons for spanking. Let’s take a quick moment to interpret what the Bible might have really been saying.

Here is an interesting biblical interpretation. The King James Version of Psalm 23, “The Lord is My Shepherd,” contains the phrase: “I will fear no evil for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

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Stress and Driving

Many recent scientific studies have shown that congested traffic conditions can heighten stress levels in drivers. The longer the distance one has to drive, the more dramatic can be the level of a person’s stress.

When experiencing stress, you may be affected totally—not only in your body but also in your emotional reactions, your personal thoughts, and your relations with others.

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Reduce Stress By Analyzing The Risk

Does taking a risk in life stress you out?

Any time we engage in an activity, we are taking a risk. This is how we live our lives—from getting out of bed in the morning and not losing our balance so we don’t fall—to crossing the street and hoping a car doesn’t appear from nowhere to hit us.

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Vision, Success, and Stress

You’ve heard the phrase “Seeing is believing”. Well, this is absolutely true … when the ‘seeing’ is in your mind.

One of the great approaches to successful living and reducing stress is to develop the art of prompting positive images.

For example, suppose I lay a plank on the ground. Almost anyone can easily walk on the plank from one end to the other. But if I were to raise the plank 10 feet off the ground, how many people do you think would get across it without falling? I would guess quite a few people would fall off the plank.

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Stress and Perfectionism

To live your life to perfection sounds just about perfect, doesn’t it? Don’t be fooled, this tip will have you realize why aiming for perfection is flawed and what you can do about it.

Perfection is a goal that you should not strive to achieve because it can prompt a crippling condition, anxiety, and overly critical self-evaluation.

Excellence can be reached—but not perfectionism. Striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high standards is a burden no one should carry.




Taking Action Without Thought

When I was a young teen-ager, I had a clear glass covering the top of my desk in my bedroom. From time to time, I would collect thoughts that made an impression on me and placed them under the glass so I could review them.

One of the quotes I saved under that glass may have a long-term effect on you—as it had on me. The quote I remember most came from Bernard Baruch, an advisor to presidents—among his many other achievements and contributions.

I quote Bernard Baruch: “I believe above all else in reason, in the power of the human mind to cope with the problems of life.

“To nothing so much as the abandonment of reason does humanity … >>>


Halloween, Its Origin, and Stress

We usually think of Halloween as a time for fun. For example, as an elementary school principal for seven years, each Halloween 750 youngsters in kindergarten through 6th grade dressed in masks and costumes followed me around the playground as I played my Great Highland Bagpipes. It was always a joyous occasion and lots of fun.

Let’s reflect on the reason people wear costumes and masks this season. They engage in this activity to hide their identity—to become a different person.



Your Subconscious Mind Expectations

Whether you expect to succeed or expect to fail, your expectations become self-fulfilling prophecies.

When you expect failure, you communicate your expectations to your subconscious mind. Your brain accepts the notion and prompts your mindset as if you will fail. You actually program yourself in a negative way to do the things that will lead to failure. This negative thinking creates anxiety that contributes to stress.



Sitting Is The New Smoking

We all know smoking is bad for you, but did you know that the simple act of sitting too long is also unhealthy? Who knew, the dangers of sitting?

Sit still long enough to hear this tip, and you may take a stand against sitting.

The human body is made for movement. The sedentary culture of sitting for long periods of time is taking a major toll on people’s health. When sitting for long periods, our bodies become less efficient. Sitting for more than six hours a day puts you on a very unhealthy path—even if you exercise.



How to Handle a Monkey

You may know the term “monkey on your back,” which refers to some problem or challenge that needs to be addressed. But what happens when someone want to hand you his monkey?

This tip is about what to do when someone wants to unload his monkey on you.

When we do things for people that they can do for themselves, we deprive them of the opportunity to learn, grow, and become more self-sufficient.



How To Avoid Saying No

“No” is one of the shortest words in the English language. However, its constant use can prompt some of the biggest challenges in family and in other relationships.

Ever say “NO!” to a person?

It seems rather obvious that the response to this question prompts negative feelings. If you ask for something and you receive a negative response, you will not be very pleased.



Employing Your Nonconscious Mind

The nonconscious mind believes what the conscious mind tells it. When a thought flits through your mind, your nonconscious mind “hears” it, believes it, and records it. Your conscious mind may forget about it immediately, but it’s in a permanent file in your brain.

Your nonconscious mind is the storehouse for your habits and all of what you do without consciously thinking about them, which means that your nonconscious mind has a profound effect on you.
